Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Weesemosis....A condition brought on by following Carl's blog, Working Pictures

These are all growing on the site of an abandoned Chevrolet dealership in Jax Beach. It has been a banner year for weeds.


Carl Weese said...

James, it's a ridiculous year for weeds up here, too. In fact everything is so overgrown that it doesn't "look right" for southern New England—the vegetation looks more like midsummer in West Virginia or North Carolina. So I'd been wondering if things were also over the top down there.

James Weekes said...

Carl, This year has been awful. I am in sub-tropical Florida and conditions have been perfect. Every unattended crack has a flourishing weed. My own garden is a daily fight and, so far, it's a draw. The normal weeds are at twice their September heights. (Down here September is as hot as August.)