Friday, March 27, 2009

Candy store, Apt

It is a guilty pleasure for me to watch the French shop for anything to eat or drink. So much thought and tasting goes into it. For a large American such as myself it is always a treat to be handed a small sample of almost any food being sold. I see it as pride and generosity but I see that it is just the proper protocol. You don't buy food without a taste, and a comment, and another taste, and a few more comments and then ......................a sale. These three people (I'm not even sure if any of them were together were all sampling those almond seashells and commenting about the taste to each other. The young lady in the middle was very charming and very patient. She also sold a lot of seashells!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that looks like my kind of market stall. thanks for the vicarious trip to provence!