Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Optical illusion, Jax Beach

Two bloggers are responsible for these pictures.. Mike Johnston of T.O.P. pointed out a great deal on a Sony a6000 camera and suggested the 60mm Sigma lens to go with it. So I ordered one of each. Then, with the camera all set up, I  did a Kirk Tuck walk in Jacksonville Beach. When I worked on this file I was taken by the illusion of the chair on the top balcony looking askew. I cannot make any combination of reflections work to create this look. Any guesses?

The camera seems wonderful. Well shaped, quiet, fast focus and lovely files. I have the Sigma lens for my micro 4/3 cameras and it translates to 120mm in that sensor size, not a good length for my eye. In the Sony it is a 90mm lens equivalent, a size that I have loved since my Leica days, so I'll use it much more. It seems very sharp and smooth.


Martina said...

I really can't see anything askew. The eye has to adjust to the fact that the back of the chair is towards the viewer ... but askew? Sorry, nope.

Aaaaha, new camera :-). Sony is doing some interesting stuff.

In the meanwhile I am very happy with my new smartphone and its camera --- it's really surprising how good these things are. And, not to forget: it's the camera I always have with me. ;-)

James Weekes said...

The balcony is three stories up and yet I seem to be seeing the chair from above, and the table. All I should be able to see from below is the back of the chair. Must be a reflection on glass.

Martina said...

One table, one chair. Yes? The "real" table and chair on the left? Seen through the blurred glass?
The table/chair on the right, that seem to be seen through clear glass, are reflections?

I am getting a headache ;-)
No, not really.